Sunday Services
Activities, Groups
Direct Debit
Market Sunday Concerts
 The Armidale Uniting Church is a very welcoming community from a range of different cultural and faith traditions. Our regular Sunday services are at 8.00am and 9.30am and, as well as a number of creative group activities that help to grow our faith, we offer a wide range of community-oriented and enjoyable social activities that help to develop stronger relationships and better understanding between our members.

Minister: Rev Simon Hansford

Church Contact Details
114 Rusden St. Armidale
Office Hours: 
10am - noon Monday to Friday                                                                                     
Mailing address:
PO Box 364
Armidale, NSW 2350

Map: Click here for a map                   
Phone 02 6772 3233
Email: admin@armidaleunitingchurch.org.au
facebook: www.facebook.com/ArmidaleUCA
ABN 55 125 723 946
Armidale Uniting Church bank working account number 100024335   BSB 634634

Lenten and Easter Services 2025

Palm and Passion Sunday 13 April 9.30am

Holy Week Services (Monday - Friday) 6 pm
Tenebrae Meal Thursday 17th April 6 pm 
Good Friday Worship 18th April 9.30 am
Easter Sunday Worship 20th April 9.30 am


Armidale Uniting Church Vision and Mission Statement
Click here.


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