The Armidale Uniting Church is a very welcoming community from a range of different cultural and faith traditions. Our regular Sunday services are at 8.00am and 9.30am and, as well as a number of creative group activities that help to grow our faith, we offer a wide range of community-oriented and enjoyable social activities that help to develop stronger relationships and better understanding between our members.
Minister: Rev Simon Hansford
Church Contact Details
114 Rusden St. Armidale
Office Hours:
10am - noon Monday to Friday
Mailing address:
PO Box 364
Armidale, NSW 2350
Map: Click here for a map
Phone 02 6772 3233
Email: admin@armidaleunitingchurch.org.au
facebook: www.facebook.com/ArmidaleUCA
ABN 55 125 723 946
Armidale Uniting Church bank working account number 100024335 BSB 634634
Armidale Uniting Church Vision and Mission Statement
Click here.