Sunday Services
Activities, Groups
Direct Debit
Market Sunday Concerts
Family Groups Groups that meet regularly to get to know each other and help other church members and their families. New members always welcome. Several whole-Church activities during the year. Contact Lyn Jobson Coordinator 6772 8853.
Hospitality Group  The group is responsible for organisation of  the Christmas Day lunch. Contact Martin Hazell 6772 5916.
Kairos Outside for Women A group to provide support for women who are a friend or relative of a former or present prison inmate. More details.Kairos
Know Your Bible KYB Mondays: an interdenominational group studying the Bible. Meets weekly at 10.30 am at 76 Rockvale Rd. Contact Jenny Sholl
0473 173 356.
Nursing Home Services Monthly Hymn singing and services at Autumn Lodge, Ningana, Wollemi, BUPA, Ken Thompson Lodge
Outreach and Social Concerns A group supporting social justice, environmental and outreach issues.  Meets formally to arrange.Lent Event, Simply Sharing Meal, Christmas presents for children. Contact Bev Pitt 6772 4544, Susan McMichael 6772 2036.
Prayers for Armidale Ecumenical group meeting monthly at churches in Armidale on the third Monday night of each month at 7.30 pm. Contact Martin Hazell  6772 5916
Sunday Explorer Offers a community space on Market Sundays for the general public to take part in activities provided or supported by the church community. Held on the last Sunday of each month from 11 am to 1pm. Contact Graham MacKay 6772 1482.
Tuesday Group An interdenominational group who read and discuss current books on religion. Meets each Tuesday in term time at 12 noon at members' homes. Contact Margaret Barger 6772 7825.
Uniting Community Garden An organic garden at the back of the church, for people within and outside the church. Regular Saturday working bees. Contact Henry Raymond 6772 6842

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